Sunday, May 29, 2011
About Kallista.
Okay, I'll admit, I've never really met or talked to Kallista before. But from what I've been getting, It seems she's a really nice person. PLEASE don't go! We need all the nice people we can get in this world to level out the haters. If we don't have nice people around, we would all lapse into mental depression and the world would explode. SO PLEASE STAY! PLEASE! BLOG LAND SHALL DIE IF YOU GO! Also, it seems she's a good friend of my buds Thalia and Mar. I need someone to be there for them when I can't. I will start a petition. Anyone who wishes for Kallista to stay will sign below with their blog name, than Kallista can E-mail this page to her parents so that they may see the will of Blogland. LET THE SIGNING BEGIN!
Saturday, May 28, 2011
I hate computers!
the title says it all. I was working on a drawing, than the stupid computer crashed. Now I have to start over from scratch.
Gods of the Project
We had to do this thing for our computer classes in which we had to create a unique civilization. I was in charge of the religion corner, and I drew the gods. Why did I post my crappy drawings? I had nothing better to do with my life. XD
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
I was just trapped inside a resteraunt for an HOUR AND THIRTY MINUTES! It began raining like a typhoon, and its thundering outside so loudly its hurting my ears... I swear we're going to have a tornado, the wind is so bad. It had already knocked over three trees in my back yard when I got home. I was improsioned in a god forsaken forgin resteraunt where the waiters kept going around talking in a strange language that sounded like a cross between Chinese and Yiddish. I swear, if I had to spend one more minute in there I would have had to get my own little padded room. I think I'm going to hide in my basement now, because it looks like a hurricane slash tornado outside.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
A Few Questions.
#1: Thalia, how was the Orange J last night? Did Rupert's band do well? (I'm sorry I didn't come to help you through the boredom! I had a dance show last night...)
#3: Mar, when do you plan to start writing part 13? Everyone's waiting for your awesomeness to be published.
#4: Mr.K, are you still on blogland? Because if you're not, I'll forcefully drag you back. >:D
#3: Mar, when do you plan to start writing part 13? Everyone's waiting for your awesomeness to be published.
#4: Mr.K, are you still on blogland? Because if you're not, I'll forcefully drag you back. >:D
Saturday, May 21, 2011
I had cake for breakfast! 。◕‿◕。
I think I'm gonna die from lack of sleep... I went to a sleep over at a dance class friend's house for her B-day. (I shall call her Rebbeca)We had a bunch of fun starting a war against her brother and his friend. They threw pinecones at me, and I returned the insult by chasing after them laughing like a maniac, wielding a stick screaming, "RAWR! I'M DEATH ON THE WIND!" Our army won after we pelted them with grass and sticks, and got Rebbeca's dog Coco to chase after them. After eating 3 slices of pizza, and 2 slices of cake, everyone got really bored. We ended up creating a new dance which we dubbed, "The Party Reel." Even then it still wasn't dark enough outside for a little something we where going to do later. (you'll find this out eventually) We went inside to draw, and everyone started to drool over a manga style drawing I was working on for art club. Rebbeca's Mom went crazy over it. One of the younger girls stole my notebook so she could show all of the adults at the party, but not before I had chased after her screaming, "BAD LITTLE MUNCHKIN, BAD!" Running around in the yard like the good little crazy people we were for a few hours, It FINALLY got dark enough. Rebbeca's Mom dragged out one of those things that can project an image onto the wall, and we got to see Michal Flatly's Lord of The Dance in super-size on the garage. All the while we got to roast marsh mellows over a fire. I lit mine of aflame, and started tormenting Rebbeca's brother again. I think a little girl waving burning marsh mellows in your face would be terrifying to anyone. Unfortunately, one of my mellows (that's what I call 'em) fell off of my stick, so I had to roast another one. Then we started to watch a show we had put on in the past, (Something or other Ireland) and I got bored. I started to dig up old cardboard boxes, shred them, and throw them into the fire. Don't ask me why, I just really enjoy things like that. BURN BOXES BURN!! Ehem, back to the story. We where all really tired, and felt like we where going to collapse at any moment. So we decided to go to sleep. The small child kept kicking me, and rolling over me, so I ended up on the couch. While we where asleep, Coco caused some mischief. Rebbeca's house is armed with a security system which you can turn off and on at will. Whenever you open a window or door, an alarm goes off, and the police are alerted. At about 7:00 in the morning, Coco wanted to go out. I don't know how, but she somehow manged to open the door. We all woke up to "ALERT ALERT, LEAVE NOW!" I felt sorry for Rebbeca's Mom, she had to call the police to explain that her dog had opened a door by accident. Because everyone was to tired to really cook up anything, we had leftover B-day cake and doughnuts for breakfast. Want to know which one I had for breakfast? Hint, title, hint hint. Rebbeca's dad joked that he would text our dance teacher, and tell her that we where eating cake and other various confections. I gave him the look and pointed out that she might not yell at us, but at him for letting us eat the cake. That was the end of that. I nearly died at dance I was so tired. Now if you excuse me, I'm going to take an extensive nap.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
SC fanfic part 12 :D
Nuu~ Tis finished. Sit back, relax, and hope you don’t die from my horrible writing skills. XD
Erza nearly jumped through the ceiling as her phone went off. At first she thought the annoying beeping coming from her phone was her alarm clock, and she sprang from her bed, her bed head frizzing everywhere and screamed, “I’M UP!” She stood in the middle of her room for a moment, in a mess of tangled blankets, and she realized her phone was vibrating on her bedside table. Shucking of her toga of sheets, she grabbed her phone to check the caller ID. “I swear if it’s a salesman I’m going to roast him alive for waking me up at 1:30” She mumbled grumpily to herself as she blinked the mist of sleep from her eyes to clear them. Erza’s eyes widened as she saw Holo’s number on the screen of her phone. “This cannot be good.” She thought to herself. Somewhere in the back of her head, her very annoying sixth sense was screaming, “DANGER, DANGER, ALERT, ALERT!” Shaking her head to rid it of the ominous thoughts, she flipped open her phone, hoping Holo would have a VERY good excuse for making her drag herself out of bed at an unthinkable hour of the morning. There was scilence for a moment, than Holo exploded. “OMGERZAWHATTOOKYOUSOLONGTOANSWERYOURPHONEISAWSHANAONTHETOPOFTHECRISTMASCOMPANYANDITHINKSOMETHINGSWRONGAND--”
“HOLO WOULD YOU SLOW DOWN!?” Erza screamed at her phone, “I CAN’T UNDERSTAND A SINGLE WORD YOUR SAYING, I DON’T SPEEK GIBBERISH, COMPREHENDE?” There was a pause, than Holo seemed to calm down. “Ehem, sorry about that.” She mumbled. Than it was Erza’s turn to be explosive. “WHY, in the name of the golden god Derek Landy himself, did you wake me up, AT 1:30 IN THE MORNING?” On the other end, Holo sighed. “Sorry Erza. I just saw Shana on the top of the Christmas Company building, and I think something might be wrong, If it’s convenient, I need you to come quickly.” There was a pause, than Holo spoke up again. “Actually, scratch that, I need you to come quickly even if it’s inconvenient. See ya there, FREDDY!” There was a wicked cackling from Holo’s end of the conversation, than a long beep signifying the she had hung up. Erza’s hands shook with rage as she shrieked at her phone. “MY NAME IS NOT FREDDY, DARN IT ALL!” She held her phone in a grip that would have crushed a normal person’s hand, than let her muscles relax. She really didn’t feel like getting up to save people right now, but if it was her best friend, she would wake herself up at anytime of day to help. She walked across the room to rummage through her drawers. Pulling out a pair of deep green sweat pants, she quickly through them on, despite the fact that they clashed with her reddish-pink Pj top, making her look like a mutated walking watermelon. She grabbed her favorite white hoodie, and was in the process of putting it on as she opened the door, right into the face of one of her extremely annoying family members. Her tiny blonde cousin, second, twice removed, or whatever, sat on the carpeted hallway floor rubbing her forehead vigorously. “Lucy, what are you doing here?” Erza asked with a tone of restrained anger. “I came to see what all the noise was about.” Lucy replied staring up at Erza with her round, blue eyes. The fact was, Erza’s entire family, distant and close, was crammed into one entire house. She didn’t have any siblings to speak of, but the evil munchkin part of her family, namely her little cousins, where more than enough. Her parents had been thrilled at the thought of living with the entire family, but Erza, as she usually was with most things, was not very amused. “It’ll be like living in a wizards guild from the medieval times!” Her father had said, but she still hadn’t gotten used to the entire idea. Staring down at her annoying little cousin, she replied bluntly, “I’m going somewhere.” Lucy blinked. “Can I come?” Erza gave her a cold stare. “No, this is for big girls only.”
She began walking away when Lucy grabbed her leg, and clung like a leach. ‘Where are you going?” Erza threw her hands up in exasperation. “Over the rainbow. Where do think I’m going!?” Lucy stared up at Erza and blinked again. “I dunno, that’s why I was asking you.” Erza loomed over Lucy, and said in a hard voice, “I’m going out for a little night air stroll because it was stuffy in my room, and I want to get some fresh air. I DO NOT need any extra baggage on my trip, nor any little annoying cousins. NOW, YOU ARE TO COVER FOR ME UNTIL I GET BACK, DO I MAKE MYSELF PERFECTLY CLEAR?” Lucy let go of Erza’s leg and scooted back a few paces. “Uh, yes ma’am!” Lucy said, throwing a hasty solute, than dashing off to her room. Erza sighed, Lucy could be annoying, but secretly, she was pretty fond of the little witch. Realizing she had wasted enough time warding off her family member, she shot out of the house, not bothering to tame the red blob of hair bed head had left her with, and into the streets. The street lights cast warped shadows as she dashed around block after block, speeding towards Tokyo.
Being the fastest runner out of the entire group, Erza was there in no time. Scrambling down the last side walk, she turned to see Holo splayed out on the steps of the Christmas Company, waiting for her. Waving her hands rapidly she shouted out to her friend. “Hey Holo!” Holo turned and nearly rolled of the steps as she screamed. “YAAGH! IT’S MEDUSA!” Erza shook her head as she walked forward, running her hands through her hair in a futile attempt to make it neater. “Honestly Holo, you know it’s me, and don’t shout like that, do you want to wake the whole of Tokyo and have an angry mob of people with pitchforks come after us because we gave them an unneeded wake up call?” Holo sat up and bent backwards, cracking her back. “Ah, thats better. Honestly Erza, you should’ve combed your hair before you came here.” Erza stuck her tongue out at Holo. “This is coming from the person who told me to come quickly at any cost. Unfortunately, that cost was my hair. AND if you must know, I was attacked by one of my demonic munchkin cousins again.” Rolling her eyes, Holo looked up at the looming building of solid rock, that dwarfed the two in it’s shadow. “Well.” Holo said turing to Erza, “Are you ready to kick Christmas Company butt?” Erza grinned wickedly as she pulled and enormous war ax from thin air. “You bet.”
AND, curtain! What shall happen to Shana? The answer is... THE ANSWER IS! (Coming up after the commercial break)
Erza nearly jumped through the ceiling as her phone went off. At first she thought the annoying beeping coming from her phone was her alarm clock, and she sprang from her bed, her bed head frizzing everywhere and screamed, “I’M UP!” She stood in the middle of her room for a moment, in a mess of tangled blankets, and she realized her phone was vibrating on her bedside table. Shucking of her toga of sheets, she grabbed her phone to check the caller ID. “I swear if it’s a salesman I’m going to roast him alive for waking me up at 1:30” She mumbled grumpily to herself as she blinked the mist of sleep from her eyes to clear them. Erza’s eyes widened as she saw Holo’s number on the screen of her phone. “This cannot be good.” She thought to herself. Somewhere in the back of her head, her very annoying sixth sense was screaming, “DANGER, DANGER, ALERT, ALERT!” Shaking her head to rid it of the ominous thoughts, she flipped open her phone, hoping Holo would have a VERY good excuse for making her drag herself out of bed at an unthinkable hour of the morning. There was scilence for a moment, than Holo exploded. “OMGERZAWHATTOOKYOUSOLONGTOANSWERYOURPHONEISAWSHANAONTHETOPOFTHECRISTMASCOMPANYANDITHINKSOMETHINGSWRONGAND--”
“HOLO WOULD YOU SLOW DOWN!?” Erza screamed at her phone, “I CAN’T UNDERSTAND A SINGLE WORD YOUR SAYING, I DON’T SPEEK GIBBERISH, COMPREHENDE?” There was a pause, than Holo seemed to calm down. “Ehem, sorry about that.” She mumbled. Than it was Erza’s turn to be explosive. “WHY, in the name of the golden god Derek Landy himself, did you wake me up, AT 1:30 IN THE MORNING?” On the other end, Holo sighed. “Sorry Erza. I just saw Shana on the top of the Christmas Company building, and I think something might be wrong, If it’s convenient, I need you to come quickly.” There was a pause, than Holo spoke up again. “Actually, scratch that, I need you to come quickly even if it’s inconvenient. See ya there, FREDDY!” There was a wicked cackling from Holo’s end of the conversation, than a long beep signifying the she had hung up. Erza’s hands shook with rage as she shrieked at her phone. “MY NAME IS NOT FREDDY, DARN IT ALL!” She held her phone in a grip that would have crushed a normal person’s hand, than let her muscles relax. She really didn’t feel like getting up to save people right now, but if it was her best friend, she would wake herself up at anytime of day to help. She walked across the room to rummage through her drawers. Pulling out a pair of deep green sweat pants, she quickly through them on, despite the fact that they clashed with her reddish-pink Pj top, making her look like a mutated walking watermelon. She grabbed her favorite white hoodie, and was in the process of putting it on as she opened the door, right into the face of one of her extremely annoying family members. Her tiny blonde cousin, second, twice removed, or whatever, sat on the carpeted hallway floor rubbing her forehead vigorously. “Lucy, what are you doing here?” Erza asked with a tone of restrained anger. “I came to see what all the noise was about.” Lucy replied staring up at Erza with her round, blue eyes. The fact was, Erza’s entire family, distant and close, was crammed into one entire house. She didn’t have any siblings to speak of, but the evil munchkin part of her family, namely her little cousins, where more than enough. Her parents had been thrilled at the thought of living with the entire family, but Erza, as she usually was with most things, was not very amused. “It’ll be like living in a wizards guild from the medieval times!” Her father had said, but she still hadn’t gotten used to the entire idea. Staring down at her annoying little cousin, she replied bluntly, “I’m going somewhere.” Lucy blinked. “Can I come?” Erza gave her a cold stare. “No, this is for big girls only.”
She began walking away when Lucy grabbed her leg, and clung like a leach. ‘Where are you going?” Erza threw her hands up in exasperation. “Over the rainbow. Where do think I’m going!?” Lucy stared up at Erza and blinked again. “I dunno, that’s why I was asking you.” Erza loomed over Lucy, and said in a hard voice, “I’m going out for a little night air stroll because it was stuffy in my room, and I want to get some fresh air. I DO NOT need any extra baggage on my trip, nor any little annoying cousins. NOW, YOU ARE TO COVER FOR ME UNTIL I GET BACK, DO I MAKE MYSELF PERFECTLY CLEAR?” Lucy let go of Erza’s leg and scooted back a few paces. “Uh, yes ma’am!” Lucy said, throwing a hasty solute, than dashing off to her room. Erza sighed, Lucy could be annoying, but secretly, she was pretty fond of the little witch. Realizing she had wasted enough time warding off her family member, she shot out of the house, not bothering to tame the red blob of hair bed head had left her with, and into the streets. The street lights cast warped shadows as she dashed around block after block, speeding towards Tokyo.
Being the fastest runner out of the entire group, Erza was there in no time. Scrambling down the last side walk, she turned to see Holo splayed out on the steps of the Christmas Company, waiting for her. Waving her hands rapidly she shouted out to her friend. “Hey Holo!” Holo turned and nearly rolled of the steps as she screamed. “YAAGH! IT’S MEDUSA!” Erza shook her head as she walked forward, running her hands through her hair in a futile attempt to make it neater. “Honestly Holo, you know it’s me, and don’t shout like that, do you want to wake the whole of Tokyo and have an angry mob of people with pitchforks come after us because we gave them an unneeded wake up call?” Holo sat up and bent backwards, cracking her back. “Ah, thats better. Honestly Erza, you should’ve combed your hair before you came here.” Erza stuck her tongue out at Holo. “This is coming from the person who told me to come quickly at any cost. Unfortunately, that cost was my hair. AND if you must know, I was attacked by one of my demonic munchkin cousins again.” Rolling her eyes, Holo looked up at the looming building of solid rock, that dwarfed the two in it’s shadow. “Well.” Holo said turing to Erza, “Are you ready to kick Christmas Company butt?” Erza grinned wickedly as she pulled and enormous war ax from thin air. “You bet.”
AND, curtain! What shall happen to Shana? The answer is... THE ANSWER IS! (Coming up after the commercial break)
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Dinner Conversation
Today's conversation at the dinner table ended up really strange... First it was about the wacky hats that the people at the Kentucky Derby wore. Than it somehow got into the fact that the dish we were eating at the moment was originally made with squirrel meat. After that put me off my dinner, mother explained now it as made with chicken. My parents than began to talk about how their grandparents had to hunt with rifles, and how back in the day, everyone had one. It turns out my grandmother used to hunt for fun, and after dinner we dug up a picture of her with a rifle and grinning madly, holding a dead deer up for the camera to see. Family history, it's so much fun to know your grandmother used to go out and kill for fun. After that conversation topic had died, we took a little trip back in time and talked about all those prehistoric people who were hunter gatherers. Which lead to the topic of wolves and how they ate people if they where hungry enough. Than the following happened:
Dad: You know what I saw today on the way back from my photo shoot?
Me: A wolf eating someone?
Dad: *Stares at me strangely* No, a bobcat!
Me: And this relates to the conversation how?
And that was the end of that. The last thing that happened was mom and I ended up arguing over whether the orchids dad had bought looked like popcorn, or fluffy skirts.
Dad: You know what I saw today on the way back from my photo shoot?
Me: A wolf eating someone?
Dad: *Stares at me strangely* No, a bobcat!
Me: And this relates to the conversation how?
And that was the end of that. The last thing that happened was mom and I ended up arguing over whether the orchids dad had bought looked like popcorn, or fluffy skirts.
Friday, May 6, 2011
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